Uber/Lyft Accidents

We Fight For California Uber/Lyft Accident Victims

We Fight For California

Uber/Lyft Accident Victims

Numbers Speak for Themselves

Numbers Speak for Themselves

$ 0 M
22 Million in Settlements
0 %
Success Rate
Over 222 Cases Won!

With the ever-rising number of passengers using rideshare services like Uber and Lyft, the odds of being involved in an accident during one of these trips is higher than ever. If you are involved in an accident, it is imperative that you know what to do and speak with a lawyer regarding your case right away. 

Being involved in an accident can be a shocking experience. You may find it hard to immediately recall the events as they happened even shortly after the collision has occurred. Suffering physical injuries during the incident can also affect your ability to focus on details. The more you know about the steps to take before you have an accident can make a huge difference when you are left to deal with the aftermath. 

Here are some steps to remember:

1. If someone has not already contacted 911, then that should be a priority. You must notify and direct the police to the scene of the accident. Be sure to have the police write a Traffic Collision Report (TCR) to help determine fault and liability. 
2. You want to make sure that you have recorded the driver’s license number, insurance information, and the phone number of the rideshare driver. 
3. Be sure to get the contact information of any witnesses to the accident that is willing to provide it to you. Get their name, number, and an account of what they saw. They may not get a call, but if they do, it will be helpful.  
4. Do not speak to insurance adjusters about the facts or the injuries you have suffered. If an insurance adjuster calls you, let them know that they will need to talk to your attorney. Take their name and number and tell the adjuster that you will have an attorney contact them directly. Remember that the adjuster’s job is to take details from you that can be potentially used against you in a court case to limit your settlement amount. 

5. Get medical attention immediately and document your experience. Documentation is precious in a rideshare accident case. Be sure to get all the paperwork from the hospital before leaving. 

We'll Go To Battle For You

Last, but certainly not least, be sure to contact Clune Law associates at 619-821-9242 immediately. Because you suffered an injury using a transportation business’ service, the situation will be handled differently than if it was just another driver. If your case is against Uber or Lyft rather than the driver, you will want someone who can go to bat for you against their insurance company and experienced corporate lawyers.